Monday, February 2, 2009

My Definition of Art

"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering - these are noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love - these are what we stay alive for." (Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society, 1989)

Granted, people have different preferences when it comes to realism versus surrealism, impressionism versus expressionism, and everything before all that and ever since. My point here is not to detail my own preferences, but to acknowledge that all styles can communicate something, and effectiveness is a topic for another day. If a connection is made between artist and audience, especially when those people are separated by time, space, and life experiences, then that is the common denominator - the bridging of gaps, if you will. Before I bore you anymore or further prove my own ignorance, let me return to the usual topics of this blog, namely, movies, music, and comics.

A good movie is one that makes you feel something even if, and especially when, you're not watching it - just when you're reflecting on, identifying with, and processing it, after the credits have rolled. End credits are the indicator - do you stay in your seat in the theater after the credits start rolling, because you don't want the experience to end?

Good music CANNOT be ignored. It's too distracting to talk over, walk past, or read while playing in the background, either for being too complex or plain simple, getting stuck in your head or lulling you to sleep, having too much swing or truth in its lyrics. Bad music can be distracting too, but its complexity or simplicity can be easily put into words, its melodies grate over time or bore quickly, its rhythm sounds forced and its lyrics are laughable, but unintentionally. Good music involuntarily moves bodies , freezes minds, breaks hearts or mends them, whichever the case may be. Has a song ever made you want to learn an instrument?

A good read is worth taking slow, or coming back to, again and again. Have you ever skipped a meal, or two, or three, stayed up all night, or called in sick to work, to read?

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