After laughing about one of the characters in the movie I Love You, Man taking his kids to Legoland every weekend, I allowed my wife to talk me into going on the day I had originally taken off to attend Coachella. The music festival turned out to be too expensive, but that's not to say that Legoland was much cheaper. All in all, I have to admit that it wasn't as bad as I expected (but parking should really be included in the price of the ticket) and it's better than Sea World anyday. For those of you that don't know, Sea World sucks. Granted, Legoland is designed more for kids the same way Universal Studios is more for adults. Disney had the right idea in creating theme parks that are EQUALLY enjoyable for parents and children alike. There's a new Sea Life attraction next door to Legoland and its restaurant has the healthiest, most gourmet menu I've seen at any theme park.
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